Let’s talk about chemotherapy. If your trusted team of doctors are recommending chemotherapy to help save your life, you might as well try your best to enjoy it, no? You might as well believe it’s going to help rid you of cancer cells, leading to a cancer-free life, no? When I embarked on my chemotherapy journey, I realized the power of belief. Embracing the treatment with conviction in its purpose became essential. It's a mindset shift from resistance to acceptance, knowing that our bodies respond better when we approach challenges with openness.

So how do we enjoy something that might bring us pain? Look for the perks. 

They may not be obvious at first glance, but they exist. And once you start seeking them out, you'll be amazed at how they can uplift your spirit.

It's not about denying the difficulties or pretending they don't exist. It's about acknowledging them while consciously shifting our focus towards the positive aspects of the journey. Easier said than done, yes, but it's a practice worth cultivating.

Our ultimate goal is not just to survive chemotherapy but to thrive through it. To emerge on the other side with a deeper understanding of our resilience and the profound impact our mindset has on our experiences.

So, let's embrace surrender, trust, and gratitude towards this medicine that holds the potential to heal. Let's train our minds to see the good amidst the challenges. Because in focusing on the good, we pave the way for healing and transformation, our number one goal!

And now for the perks.

Perk #7: The Power of Asking

As a patient, you have the right to ask for anything you need—and the possibilities are limitless. You might need a massage to ease your anxiety, or not feel up to cooking dinner, or maybe a night out on the town. You can never overuse this key phrase, “C’mon, I have cancer—I need you!” There’s nothing wrong with asking for what you need (even if you don’t really need it), but you want it. Consider it an act of self-love. You deserve it.

Perk #6: Parking Privileges

You should receive a handicap placard—OMG, the best. It may seem trivial, but it alleviated the stress of finding parking spots and simplified the logistical challenges of treatment. This might not mean much to you, but there are never enough parking spaces in Los Angeles, so this was awesome (I mentioned you need to dig a little for perks!)

Perk #5: A Radiant Glow

Skin–I had this “glow” going on … porcelain, blemish-free skin, and everyone told me how healthy I looked. I called it my “chemo glow” with my “chemo-cleanse.” I felt like crap, but I was looking good, it definitely boosted my morale. Six years later, my skin is still so much better than it was before.

Perk #4: The "Cancer Card"

You have the “cancer card.” The freedom to ask for what you need. Play it whenever necessary. Need I say more? 

Perk #3: Acts of Kindness

I saw the beauty of humanity in all forms, my favorite being the material forms. Who doesn’t love presents? Expect some great care packages and random acts of generosity. Whether from a friend or family member, or a family member’s friend, people are nicer when you have cancer. I appreciated it very much. It touched me deeply when people I didn’t know showed compassion—it was beautiful. Fueled my soul.

Perk #2: Liberation from Monthly Woes

One unexpected benefit of chemotherapy? Bid farewell to PMS symptoms. Not having to worry about “that time of the month” was freeing. Yes, it also comes with a downside, but if we want to uplift ourselves, we lean towards the uplifting thoughts. 

Perk #1: The Gift of Life

The ultimate perk of chemotherapy? It saved my life. My tumor shrunk so fast that my doctors were shocked. And I had no evidence of cancer at the time of my double mastectomy surgery. Becoming cancer-free was a definite perk … Thank you chemo.

xoxo Jenn


Honoring Bo & Celebrating Lexi


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